Fear not Sideburn magazine will not become some la-di-da fashion rag, but we would like to do some 'fashion' shoots. Aiming for slightly more practical outfits than shown here. Do you have a leather boot fetish? Is your cupboard full of old bike jackets? Do you have a thing for vintage T-shirts? We are looking for a stylist for photo shoots. You don't have to be motorcyclist. BP
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photo: Ben Part; styling: Katelijn Verbruggen; make-up: Ed Tijsen; model: Tabara
Poor old Tabara's lost the front at Toilet Curve again.
the outfit on the left was particularly popular with the local traffic warden. BP
Fashion shoot? Really? I vote nay, but it's not my magazine. Respectfully dislike that idea.
i got sum onion string belts, and a collection of empty gerkin jars, if thats any use?!.
Thats a good start Stevie, what about that little faux diamante number I saw you rolling about the gutter in last new years eve?
went back into storage with me rupert the bear jeans, and wonder woman corset!.
Stephen Coles YOU are the stylist we are looking for!
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