Milo for cleaning up in the Chopper Class on his hand-shift 45
(bike photo CFH)

(bike photo Capt Simon)
Roberto Ungaro who came over especially from Italy and styled it on the Spillo in Street Tracker Class - I can imagine some people having first seen this bike in Riders Magazine, thinking what a ludicrous and poncy vehicle - this thing bloody shifts and would stab you in the belly for even thinking of looking at its girlfriend.
(bike photo Capt Simon)
Then, also in the Inappropriate Road Bike Class, Amanda, a worthy Davida spot prize just for having a go on her Virago.
Dirt Quake Heroes One And All. BP
Amanda did have a good go too! Good on her, was wearing a really nice design on her lid she'd painted herself for extra cool points..
Jamie #29
if ever a series of *ahem* 'Parades' prove it's how you ride not what you ride then they were that.
(grammar, tenses?!)
Yet i thought amanda's lid was cool to. Well done G
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