1) Can't remember where this came from, but it's like a rice sack and humped on my shoulder, stuffed with dirty smalls on the way to the local launderette, it caused me to get pinned up against a wall in Liverpool by a police meat wagon mounting the kerb.
2) Used to collect Francis Debaisieux postcards while on holiday in France, of 'quaint' peasant life, then came across this life-size poster in a petrol station! Wonder if I would have become that old boy if I'd stuck at the rural dream?
3) Fantastic embroidery of an F-15 fighter by Claire Elizabeth Platt picked up at the old Cafe Kino, Bristol.
4) The idea of gardening is wholesome, but I have black fingers. Everything I touch dies. Kitsch Kitchen plastic flowers are a much safer bet.
5) Ultimately dashing Silvio Grassetti on the Monza(?) banking.
6) 948 cubes in felt-tip by Chris Watson.
7) People still give me cautionary grief about this helmet but it's a NEW repro made by Bandit in Berlin. I wear it for short track without a visor unless it's really muddy as it feels too fishbowl with. I'm a fresh air freak.
8) Lewis Leathers road racing boots.
9) Wore a Davida bowl several years on the trot in London. Nothing more comfortable. (yeah yeah yeah, "nothing more unsafe"). Still wear the Dusted one when snowboarding.
10) My Mum paid a mechanic £5 to drag these Peter Jones mahogany glove-box draws (32 of them) out of a skip and up the stairs of our flat in the early 70s.
11) Is it a global phenomenon that when one moves house, it takes Years to finally unpack the last box?
12) Original title artwork from SB#10 Pikes Peak 'One Hellava Hill'.
13) Mughal period Indian beard styles reference chart.
14) Proper Italian water-slide transfer of tiger temptress, and a shot of my brother on his BSA C-15 back in the day.
15) Before downloading everyandanything that catches my eye into countless computer folders, I used to tear things out of magazines and pin it on the wall for inspiration. Seems like rather an antiquated adiction now.

If you would like your own bike sketched in this style from a photo, contact CW via his website.