In the
latest issue of Sideburn, we run two pieces on the first, the rough and the dirty...
Mad Max. We interviewed key players in the film's making, including the director George Miller, cinematographer David Eggby, Hugh Keays-Byrne (bike gang leader The Toecutter) and Bertrand Cadart, who made the fairings for the (mainly) Kawasaki Z1000s. We even managed to talk to Dale Bensch, reputedly killed when the infamous bridge stunt went wrong (see clip below). He seemed remarkably chatty for a bloke 36 years dead.
On top of that, in a separate feature we asked
Repo Man and
Straight To Hell director Alex Cox for his views on what has become a post-apocalyptic benchmark, shot on a budget, featuring Melbourne bike gang members as stunt men and that only made it to the screen thanks to long nights and hard graft by a couple of blokes with a vision. There you go, just two reasons of many to pick up
Sideburn #17. MP
Awesome!!! I met and worked with Grant Page who did the stunts for the original Mad Max and he told me that one of the guys on a bike cartwheeled and broke his leg. I think they kept the footage in the film. Telling all these gems while occasionally wiping the wetness around his fake eye. A true legend!!!! ]
Ha ha and I know Tim, the guy in the leather jacket leaning against the car. My son went to school with hs kid in Bondi but he's got grey hair now.
If you look closely when the first guy bails, as he's picking his bike up you can see his swingarm is broken in half
View Askew - Tim Burns (Johnny the Boy in the film) is also interviewed in the article. His insight into working with the force of nature that is Hugh Keays-Byrne is very entertaining.
It's a film I've meant to watch for ages, must try and get it on DVD
Nick, you can get it on DVD for peanuts. G
... but make sure it's the original version, not the one dubbed with American voices for the US market (yes, really). I think the modern version of the DVD, if it has the American audio track, the original is also on there as an option.
The Egyptian version (yes, really) is a whole lot more fun
I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel injected suicide machine. I am the rocker, I am the roller, I am the out-of-controller!
And what a pleasure it is to meet you Mr Nightrider, could I interest you in a small sherry, or perhaps a Dubonnet?
Oh a small Amontillado would be super, thanks! Death racing in the heat is such thirsty work.
Those XB's are huge. I bought one when I lived in Sydney from a guy who swore there was no rust. He sent video to prove it. What a sucker I was. Anyway, they are enormous, much bigger than they look on film but really really really really cool!!!
Possibly the greatest car/bike film ever made
There's a rawness to it that is unmatched. Australia, had that in spades in the 70's and 80's.
The Nightrider would have one of these under the bonnet now
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