Here's some background information on Bandisca from one of the owners...
We founded Bandisca in 2014, the name means nothing... just a word that my little girl said to our dog when she was 2 years old... and the black cat on the logo is because we also have two black cats at home. We build bikes for fun, that meaning that we only build what we like, so customers must be very brave for coming to us...
For two years we cooked the idea of opening a store beside the workshop and this year we got it... The deco was made by a local designer, Sebastian Diamandi, a good friend that putted all his soul on that, everything into it is handcrafted by him, and the result is a crazy steampunk space.
We based the store on small manufacturers, we don't sell big brands, we try to offer more rare and exclusive things at the shop including NOS items and also some artworks. Since we opened the store it became a point of reference for new motorcycle custom culture in this crazy city, the local cafe racers, scramblers, resto mods, and freaky customs stop daily for a coffee at our store, just beside the Parliament Palace... but doesn´t matters, cops can´t dance!! ... Romania is still 10 years behind the custom culture point of view but we hope to update the local minds.
Alf, Bandisca

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