From Harley...
Much as I hate those "looks like a knuckle head" engines and non-functioning kick starts, the reality was that running in a brand new engine on full advance through city traffic was making me very nervous so I took the plunge and here's how it panned out.
1. Blue box tucked up under the seat. Careful application of black gaffer tape makes it near on invisible when viewed from below. If I'd thought about all this before hand I would have widened the battery box and put it the blue box in there. Battery is a small CT4L - BS - frees up lots of room over the stock item.
2. Inner cover - minor pruning for the contacts lead and making up a clip. The lead from the back of the case is the only visible proof of anything other than a mag set up.
3. Outer cover - minor pruning to clear the BB contacts.
4. Adaptor plate - Massive hack job to clear the BB contacts and access for the retaining screws.
5. Mag body - completely gutted and lots of chopping about to get the coil in (probably would have been easier with a smaller coil) and much cursing over the retaining strap. Hole drilled for the LT leads where the earth contact was on the original.
6. Coil - mounting brackets cut off and a right angle feed fabricated for HT leads.
7. Outer mag cover - reprofile the run of the HT leads through the cover to avoid a very sharp kink.
And there you go, now no-one need ever know that I'm an abject wuss with an over-developed mechanical sympathy gland!
All the best
Harley, London

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