Jens vom Brauck and KEDO, the German tuning and parts specialists, have taken an everyday Yamaha SR 500 and gone back to the roots.
The bike looks lean, mean and low - it looks fast. It could be a mutant cross between a 60's desert racer and Kenny Robert's 70's flat track bike. The black rims, the machined alloy swinger, the Wilbers shocks, the high-up exhaust and big carb with an open filter – it has a raw competition look, but it isn't intimidating - it looks like a bike you could get on and pull a wheelie straight away.
It looks like you could have fun on it going to the shops.
Kedo, the Hamburg based SR and XT tuning and parts specialists, provided insider knowledge, the hot SR motor
(up to50bhp!) with a Mikuni round-slide carb, the Harley style sportster tank, the serious looking swing-arm and Jens vom Brauck did the rest.
"We've forgotten what biking is about," says Jens "it's all about feeling - the sounds and the rhythm of the motor, the contact with the machine. It should be unfiltered, direct. We’ve got too sophisticated. The D-track goes back to the roots, it has a lot of soul and in the real world, away from racetracks and autobahns, it is fast, and it is performance that is easy to use. "
The SR500 is already a pretty minimal motor bike - at 170kg there isn't much obvious fat, but Jens' diet has junked 25 kilos of assorted old iron and plastic bits and replaced them with just a few kilos of beautiful stainless steel, alloy and sculpted composite materials that the designer makes himself.
Must have..
2 thumbs up!!!
That pipe is burning my leg right through the computer screen!
That bike looks great though!!!!
Looks fantastic!
Lovely and restrained.
Great job, just worried about that burn on my thigh!!
Ugh! Just like my Supertrapps, but without the skin graft.
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