Saturday, 19 September 2015

Shepherds Pie, The Lunch of Champions

Andy Jerkyl once berated me in the pits for my choice of nutrients to fuel my body on race day. Something to do with how much energy my body would consume to digest the food I was consuming to give me energy, and so become more fatigued rather than less. Yes I was confused too. Apparently chimpanzees are better prepared for motorsports with their nuts, berries and bananas diet than me with crisps and apple juice. Extreme sports favourite sponsors so-called energy drinks are The worst consumable to be fuelling sporting humans - "save them for the dance floor".
And so to last weekend's packed lunch. Half a shepherd's pie with mustard and apple sauce. I threw in frozen peas before leaving the house, so come lunch time they had cooked themselves (well de-frosted at least) in the chalor of the van. BP


Unknown said...

Have you seen 'Muricans cooking bacon on the barrels of their assault rifles? That's my kind of diet.

Randy said...

eye eye shepherds pie, mum says only atomic organic kale quinoa salads for finals. Chips for the heats