The mongrel spirit of Drakey lives on in my shopper-chopper-bar-hopper-do-whopper. BPPS. He's not dead, just living on the other side of the planet (and spending his weekends tending his Kiwi fruit instead of racing his gnarly Rotax deathtrap).
Cheers mate, missing the racing with u guys, looks good this year. Having to get my fix with some awesome trail rides at the moment, not found the Nz flattrack scene yet, just an oval in my back paddock! Chopper looks sweet too!
We miss him
well i do at least
Cheers mate, missing the racing with u guys, looks good this year. Having to get my fix with some awesome trail rides at the moment, not found the Nz flattrack scene yet, just an oval in my back paddock! Chopper looks sweet too!
So is that a Landing Gear fork? If it is, then it kind of makes up for the rest of the bike!
They look very similar, but No.
But I do have them on my SE Racing OM Flyer.
Sweet clunker!
When drakey hits NZ flat track the world will here of it!!!.
Keep on rocking dude!.
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