Hey Gary,
So here is one hopefully for the 'small Jap street bike' corner of the blog. Grey import Honda VRX 400, a spongy gutless thing as stock but with a little help and some cool bits from the guys at SP-1 in Japan, she's a tight, torquey number for London traffic death matches!
Got the magazine and ust sneaked a half hour read when I'm meant to be designing the sets for a TV commercial... Will get stuck in later, ignoring my wife and kids will have less severe consequences!
Best thing since 'Harlem Heroes' in 2000AD, and that's the highest praise I can give...

i love VRXs but i have seen only one in Greece Wish they could still import Japanese bikes here... i have seen some wild ones....
check SRV250 is a cafe racer with Virago 250 motor....
Is that the one from Shepherds Bush? I always see a bike like that around Sh'e Bu
Yeah thats me MP, I was also at Kempton last weekend,a fool for riding in,I almost died of cold...
Digging the art by the way....
@Dr-Ogo If its the bike I'm thinking of then You must live around the corner from me ha ha
One thing I completely forgot to do at Kempton was look around the bike parking bit. Too cold.
Well I'm Percy Road, so if that rings a bell I raise a pint to neighbourly
Sideburn reading, art making bike dudes!
Ugly Duckling turn's into a Swan
Cool bike, you must have the only one in the UK. Makes a nice sound as well as I'm sure I was behind you going down the Marylebone Rd a good few months ago one morning.
Hey Rich, thanks. Yes that must have been me as I'm always tearing down the Westway going to work in Soho....
I think you have sold vrx and have something diffrent now, it's been a good few months i could not see it on your street
Mariusz, nope still my day to day work horse although less loved since the new bike! It was a BP of SB back up bike only last week....
Drogo, how can I get hold of one of these in London, did you import it.
please can you tell me the rear tyre size of your vrx 400, ive built a bonny flat tracker with this back wheel on but lost tyre while getting wheel rebuilt...cheers...dirty arse..
please can you tell me the rear tyre size of your vrx 400, ive built a bonny flat tracker with this back wheel on but lost tyre while getting wheel rebuilt...cheers...dirty arse..
Hi Drogo, if you ever decide to sell this bike, please let me know, I love it!
Hi Anna
this bike sold already a while ago.
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